英文 翻譯口說能力:(六)停頓和重音
您有否發現大多數的學生,在教室唸課文時,總是不想帶些感情好好地運用抑揚頓挫很自然地朗讀出來,反而是傾向,用和尚唸經 翻譯方式去唸 翻譯社其實,您我年幼時,也都不免是如此 翻譯社似乎,只有被老師派去參加朗讀或演講比賽的同學,
才會卯足了勁,不僅鏗鏘有力、手勢誇張,還「演出」表情十足。。-> 翻譯社|,-> 翻譯公司|的-> 翻譯但平心而論,前後兩者模式,都不是挺自然的 翻譯社如何在說英文時能保持,就如同母語是英語人士,平常自然說話的方式—流暢優雅、輕鬆自在, 翻譯確是需要注意一些要領的。
只是這些重點,並不合適在一開始,打英文基礎時,就馬上要求學生。反而是須配合學習進度,適度地循序漸進,適時穿插在教學過程中。 這些要領有:一個長句該停頓的時候要停頓、傳達關鍵意義 翻譯內容字(content words)要重讀、絕對不可省略的尾音、連音、削弱音、彈牙音等。今天就先行用Q&A,解說前兩者-它們不僅是較接近英美母語人士說英文的方式,也是全民英檢口說測驗,必考 翻譯項目之一。
A:要想辦法把一個句子「分成幾段」來唸 翻譯社
A:要在「語意的完結點」的「前面」做「停頓」即可。而語意 翻譯完結點,通常出現在:1. 連接詞的前面 2. 介系詞 翻譯前面. 3. 片語開始前4. 子句開始前
Q: 能不能提供一些例子?
She wanted to be the center of attention, and nobody was taking the slightest notice of her.
→ She wanted to be∥the center of attention∥and nobody was ∥taking the slightest notice of her. (∥代表 「停頓」處)
Fetch me a cup of tea at once and a slice of currant cake!
→ Fetch me∥a cup of tea∥at once∥and a slice of currant
We’ll have to get her out. She won’t give us any peace if we don’t.
→ We’ll have to∥get her out. ∥ She won’t give us any peace∥if we don’t.
I’m not leaving my own mother sticking up through the roof for the rest of her life.
→I ‘m not leaving my own mother∥sticking up through the roof∥for the rest of her life.
The crane men climbed up onto the roof and put ropes under Grandma’s arms.
→The crane men climbed up∥onto the roof∥and put ropes∥under Grandma’s arms.
So, in the end, Mr. Kranky telephoned the Crane Company and asked them to send their biggest crane out to the house at once.
→So 翻譯公司 ∥in the end, ∥Mr. Kranky telephone the Crane Compnay∥and asked them to send their biggest crane out∥to the house∥at once.
This ancient old hag, who was now as tall as a house 翻譯公司 then galloped about the farm on the gigantic pony, jumping over trees and sheds and shouting 翻譯公司 “Out of my way! Clear the decks! Stand back all you miserable midgets or I’ll trample you to death!”
→This ancient old hag, ∥ who was now ∥as tall as a house, ∥then galloped about the farm∥on the gigantic pony,∥ jumping over trees and sheds∥and shouting, ∥“Out of my way! ∥Clear the decks! ∥Stand back all you miserable midgets ∥or I’ll trample you to death!”
Q: 「重音」 翻譯定義是甚麼?
A: 指一個單字的某一個音節或句子的關鍵字,發音時(1)音調較高 (2) 較用力(3)時間較長,例如: be'lieve,in'sist,Japa'nese,'restaurant,以及下述的例句。
Q: 能不能提供一些例子?
名詞: Grandma 翻譯公司 George 翻譯公司 father, mother, Mr. Kranky, roof, everything, animals 翻譯公司 cup 翻譯公司 tea, kitchen(不含人或物代名詞)
動詞: see 翻譯公司 like, saw, wanted, taking 翻譯公司 running, washing 翻譯公司 get, listen, fetch, get, give 翻譯公司 came, agreed (不含be動詞)
形容詞: high, slightest, excited, enormous, idle 翻譯公司 little, good, horrible, biggest, grumpy 翻譯公司 bad-tempered
副詞: alone, outside 翻譯公司 suddenly, enormously, happily
指示代詞: this, that, those, these 翻譯公司 those
疑問詞: when 翻譯公司 where, who, why, what, how
He is a teacher. →He is a 'teacher.
Give me your gun!→'Give me your 'gun!
Give me all your money! →'Give me all your 'money!
My mother gives me ten dollars every day.
→My 'mother 'gives me 'ten 'dollars 'every 'day.
Where is the saucer? →'Where is the 'saucer?
What’s the matter with you? →'What’s the 'matter with you?
How do you like it 翻譯公司 Granny dear? →'How do you 'like it 翻譯公司 'Granny ?
How much sugar do you want in your tea today? →'How much sugar do you 'want in your 'tea 'today?
We’ll have to get her out. →We’ll 'have to ∥'get her 'out.
She won’t give us any peace if we don’t. →She won’t 'give us any 'peace ∥if we don’t.
She’s a pain in the neck. →She’s ∥a 'pain in the 'neck.
It seemed to have cured all her aches and pains. →It 'seemed to have 'cured all her∥ 'aches and 'pains.
She was suddenly as frisky as a ferret. →She was 'suddenly ∥as 'frisky as a 'ferret.
只是這些重點,並不合適在一開始,打英文基礎時,就馬上要求學生。反而是須配合學習進度,適度地循序漸進,適時穿插在教學過程中。 這些要領有:一個長句該停頓的時候要停頓、傳達關鍵意義 翻譯內容字(content words)要重讀、絕對不可省略的尾音、連音、削弱音、彈牙音等。今天就先行用Q&A,解說前兩者-它們不僅是較接近英美母語人士說英文的方式,也是全民英檢口說測驗,必考 翻譯項目之一。
A:要想辦法把一個句子「分成幾段」來唸 翻譯社
A:要在「語意的完結點」的「前面」做「停頓」即可。而語意 翻譯完結點,通常出現在:1. 連接詞的前面 2. 介系詞 翻譯前面. 3. 片語開始前4. 子句開始前
Q: 能不能提供一些例子?
She wanted to be the center of attention, and nobody was taking the slightest notice of her.
→ She wanted to be∥the center of attention∥and nobody was ∥taking the slightest notice of her. (∥代表 「停頓」處)
Fetch me a cup of tea at once and a slice of currant cake!
→ Fetch me∥a cup of tea∥at once∥and a slice of currant
We’ll have to get her out. She won’t give us any peace if we don’t.
→ We’ll have to∥get her out. ∥ She won’t give us any peace∥if we don’t.
I’m not leaving my own mother sticking up through the roof for the rest of her life.
→I ‘m not leaving my own mother∥sticking up through the roof∥for the rest of her life.
The crane men climbed up onto the roof and put ropes under Grandma’s arms.
→The crane men climbed up∥onto the roof∥and put ropes∥under Grandma’s arms.
So, in the end, Mr. Kranky telephoned the Crane Company and asked them to send their biggest crane out to the house at once.
→So 翻譯公司 ∥in the end, ∥Mr. Kranky telephone the Crane Compnay∥and asked them to send their biggest crane out∥to the house∥at once.
This ancient old hag, who was now as tall as a house 翻譯公司 then galloped about the farm on the gigantic pony, jumping over trees and sheds and shouting 翻譯公司 “Out of my way! Clear the decks! Stand back all you miserable midgets or I’ll trample you to death!”
→This ancient old hag, ∥ who was now ∥as tall as a house, ∥then galloped about the farm∥on the gigantic pony,∥ jumping over trees and sheds∥and shouting, ∥“Out of my way! ∥Clear the decks! ∥Stand back all you miserable midgets ∥or I’ll trample you to death!”
Q: 「重音」 翻譯定義是甚麼?
A: 指一個單字的某一個音節或句子的關鍵字,發音時(1)音調較高 (2) 較用力(3)時間較長,例如: be'lieve,in'sist,Japa'nese,'restaurant,以及下述的例句。
Q: 能不能提供一些例子?
名詞: Grandma 翻譯公司 George 翻譯公司 father, mother, Mr. Kranky, roof, everything, animals 翻譯公司 cup 翻譯公司 tea, kitchen(不含人或物代名詞)
動詞: see 翻譯公司 like, saw, wanted, taking 翻譯公司 running, washing 翻譯公司 get, listen, fetch, get, give 翻譯公司 came, agreed (不含be動詞)
形容詞: high, slightest, excited, enormous, idle 翻譯公司 little, good, horrible, biggest, grumpy 翻譯公司 bad-tempered
副詞: alone, outside 翻譯公司 suddenly, enormously, happily
指示代詞: this, that, those, these 翻譯公司 those
疑問詞: when 翻譯公司 where, who, why, what, how
He is a teacher. →He is a 'teacher.
Give me your gun!→'Give me your 'gun!
Give me all your money! →'Give me all your 'money!
My mother gives me ten dollars every day.
→My 'mother 'gives me 'ten 'dollars 'every 'day.
Where is the saucer? →'Where is the 'saucer?
What’s the matter with you? →'What’s the 'matter with you?
How do you like it 翻譯公司 Granny dear? →'How do you 'like it 翻譯公司 'Granny ?
How much sugar do you want in your tea today? →'How much sugar do you 'want in your 'tea 'today?
We’ll have to get her out. →We’ll 'have to ∥'get her 'out.
She won’t give us any peace if we don’t. →She won’t 'give us any 'peace ∥if we don’t.
She’s a pain in the neck. →She’s ∥a 'pain in the 'neck.
It seemed to have cured all her aches and pains. →It 'seemed to have 'cured all her∥ 'aches and 'pains.
She was suddenly as frisky as a ferret. →She was 'suddenly ∥as 'frisky as a 'ferret.